Anupam Sud (B.1944)

Anupam Sud was born in Hoshiarpur in Punjab in 1944. She studied at the College of Art, New Delhi in 1967 and in 1971-72 studied print-making at the Slade School, London, under a British Council scholarship. Working mainly with intaglio prints, Sud fuses her knowledge of different intaglio processes with lithography and screen-printing. Her zinc plates breathe with a life, now suggesting the contours of a sculpture, now hinting at the warmth of oils. But at all times restraint seems to be the keynote of her work. While her sympathies and concerns are often feminist, a recurring theme in her work is the common human predicament. Her subjects are often introspective and fatalistic - existing in a world that is falling apart.

Sud later studied printmaking at the Slade School of Fine Art, University College, London, from 1971 through 1972. It was after her return from Slade that Anupam Sud developed an intense interest in exploring clothed and unclothed human figures through the medium of etching. Anupam found inspiration in both male and female sexuality and identities. Overt takes on social issues are seldom found in Sud’s art, and her figures are often self-absorbed and brooding. However, through symbolism and metaphor Sud engages with socially relevant themes, and moody depictions of interrelations between the sexes are a favorite topic in her work. Sud’s etchings are made with the use of zinc plates, a difficult medium that requires both patience and precision

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